Thursday, January 30, 2014

I don't want to title it.

Greetings, readers, followers, people who are interested in me!  It's been about 6 weeks. I just kept forgetting to update. For real.
So, today is January 30th, which means I have almost successfully survived the first month of the year. I won't know until 11:59PM tomorrow.  Ha. That was funny, laugh.
Christmas happened. Work happened. It was all very uppity, this holiday season. My brother was home for about 10 days, and that was nice.
In continuation from the last post, I will be attending university in the spring semester of this year, which starts on Monday. Yay. So thrilled. Also, I was told that Tommy Hilfiger would be keeping me permanently.  I accepted this position, gratefully.

Recently, I've been kind of sad. Sad because of books, sad because of friends, sad because of my lack of a relationship and the direction it is heading. Sad because my family wants to move to Colorado and I refuse to.  It's all a mess, so I read and go to work to get my mind off of things.

I don't really have much to say, so, I'm going to go read more. Y'all take care. Otter out.