Saturday, October 12, 2013

I'm back again.

Recently, two days ago, I traveled about 500 miles across the state of Wisconsin and then back home.  I suppose this rings a bit false, because the whole trip was 500 miles, it wasn't 500 miles there and another 500 miles back.

I went to the great city of La Crosse, with the population of about 51,000.  It's a university town, so there's quite a bit to do there, and it looks to be a higher end university town than Kenosha.

I was there, in the area to go to a visitation for my friend Sarah's brother.  If you care to know more about Sarah (which I know you do), I talked about her in my last entry.   When i got there, she looked at me and said "What are you doing here, don't you live a couple of hours away?" and I said "It was the right thing to do. You were there for me last year when Kevin broke up with me, and now you need a friend, so here I am" to which she replied "But I lived with you then!"  Not an excuse. She didn't have to hug me when she saw it on facebook, but she did.

After that I actually went to La Crosse, and hung out with a friend, Mike. We drove around town, and thought we were going to get murdered up in a city park that was on a bluff.  
I stayed with Mike that night.  I slept on the cold tile floor. We didn't know if his roommate would be back. At 6 am, my alarm went off for one reason or another, and I saw his roommate was still MIA and moved onto the bed for the last hour of my slumber.

At about 8am, I was on my merry way back home.   I went back up to the bluff and saw it in the day light.  and I stopped at a gas station to buy some bananas and dill up my tank.  I drove for 3 hours until I got to the town of Delafield.

If you've never heard of Delafield, it is the cutest town you've never heard of.  I was there for about an hour, walking around, looking in shops, enjoying the place. It was like taking a step into the 1800's, but with modern day cars.  After that, I was on the road for another hour, to finally get home.

When I finally got home, I was so happy to finally be there. I could lay in my own bed, on my own couch, watch Glee. I took a nap. And still managed to get to bed at 11:00 pm.

Next weekend, I take a trip to Wisconsin Rapids, stay tuned to find out how it goes!

Until then, Otter out!

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